Friday 15 April 2016

Again...De nuevo

After a long break I have decided to re-start this blog. I miss the meditative nature of thinking about the things I am doing, making and writing. Part of the challenge will be to make it bilingual. I have no reason to write in Spanish regularly so I have decided to invent one. Hopefully this will get easier as time goes on. Despues de un largo descanso he decidido re-empezar el blog. Ya extranaba tener un espacio para meditar sobre lo que hago, creo y escribo. Mi reto es que el blog sea bilingue. Por lo general, no hay razon por la cual yo escriba en castellano con ninguna regularidad, entonces he decidido crear una.Ya veremos como me va con las tildes y el teclado ingles.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

To re-start or not that is the question, o mas bien la pregunta!

I am thinking of re-starting this blog. I am super busy with work family and studies but I find that I miss the meditative side of blogging. I need time to reflect on things and this helps me do it. Also the fact that it gives me a way to document my crafty achievements is good. I'll try to organize myself so that I can do that. I will have to get myself a new digital camera as mine broke. Another thing that I'm thinking about is whether I should do it in Spanish and English or only English. I do this blog for myself but if there is anyone out there with an opinion it would be good to hear what you think.

Sunday 13 September 2009

The end

Well, I have not quite got round to writing in my blog for a while. Life is just too busy and all this blogging eats into my making time. I take my hat off to people that can do that. I expect most of them have broadband.
I am busy as always and as my priority is to knit, dye and make for my family and myself I have decided to stop trying to do it all.
I will continue to follow my favourite blogs to seek inspiration and like-minded people but as from today I will write no more.
Thanks to all my friends for their support and comments.
happy crafting

Wednesday 1 July 2009


Well, all of the sudden my lace shawl seems to have grown enormously. I'm just about to do my increase round which will take me to 576 stitches. I am so excited. Having done a few jumpers with lace detailing, my lace socks and now this shawl; I feel like it was just too easy a project. Now I know that I needed an easy shawl to get confident. It's done, I feel confident. It's difficult to know how big it will be when I I wash it and block it so i think that I will do a few more repeats after the increase. I am very excited.

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Things that keep me busy

I thought I should post about the knitting that I currently have on the go. Too much. I said to Martin last night that I wouldn't start anything new 'cos I had so many big projects that I had to finish. When I finished listing them I thought, hmmmm! that's a year full of knitting; but of course there are other things that I need to complete by mid July for birthdays and which I hadn't thought of.

I wonder how other people manage. I also drew up a list of things that I need to knit for next year, 2 jumper, 2 cardigan, 4 pair of mittens, two hats and 3 pairs of leg warmers, singlets if I have time. Of course I say need but in reality it would be cheaper and easier to buy these things. But the quality wouldn't be the same and that it not where the love is for me. This all makes me happy though. To see my girls' faces when I present them with a new item is great.

Sunday 21 June 2009

Blue House Yarns

I am so excited, after much waiting, my yarn shop officially can accept online ordering and payments. I am so happy. It was so troublesome before with e-mails going back and forth. I was getting a bit despondent but I feel excited again so I think I will have a look at my indigo vat to see if it's up to some dyeing.
You can visit it at Any comments are appreciated.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

What we are reading

Well it's not so common that you read something and you feel that you have to let the world know bout it. But it has happened to me and here goes: Mona Minim and the smell of the sun by Janet Frame. I'm reading a library copy but I have put it on my list of books to buy as soon as I have some spare cash!

The one I'm going to get is with the illustrations by David Elliot.

So the language is just beautiful, the pace delightful and it's full of detail. The best bit is that Martin is reading one chapter per night to the girls and I and at the end of each chapter there is a child-mind cliff hanger. I love it. I want the world to read it and know about it. I think I'll have to give it as gifts at Christmas time to some special little people.

BTW I appreciate that not being a born kiwi it's taken me until I'm 37 to find out about it. So apologies if this is a very well known fact and I'm preaching to the converted.

A word about the illustrations. They are just beautiful. A non reading child would be just as enchanted looking at the pictures. I'm becoming a bit of a David Elliot fan. His range is quite varied and the detail exquisite. If you read my blog and you have recommendations please let me know; especially if they are for books that would suit a very book wormy family that doesn't watch TV.

Take care